Friday, April 10, 2009

Home Safely

We are home again from our three weeks in Spain. A day of travel will take it out of a person and we are recovering gently upon re-entry. Our memories are flooding back of a wonderful trip to a vibrant country. We feel that there is, as always, so much more to see in our chosen destination, but here are some of our recollections of the many delights.
Barcelona is full of sunlight, art and architecture. We were excited by the multiplicity of art galleries and particularly were moved by the art of Joan Miro. The Miro gallery is in Montjuic, the hill of the Jews, which overlooks the city. We also visited the National Museum of Catalunya there and watched the amazing synchronized display of music and light at the Magic Fountains, which spread all the way down the hill to the Placa Espanya. We visited the Picasso Museum displaying a retrospective of the artist’s work from his earliest years; and we spent time at the Contemporary Art Museum where the current exhibits were creatively powerful and intense.
Antonio Gaudi’s architecture is a touchstone for the character of the city. It is whimsical, lively, ornate, animated, colorful and inspiring. The Sagrada Familia is a massive monument, a tribute to god and to the city, welcoming visitors in the ancient tradition of making church, once again, the most important, and often largest, building in the city. The Park Guell is a place of fantasy. It provides a serene haven in a bustling city. It is covered in tilework, curving throughout the park’s landscaping mixing the grandeur of high art with a fanciful dream world. We loved people-watching as families spent the day here strolling, playing, and listening to the wonderful musicians dotted throughout the park.
The graffiti added another perspective on the city. Mostly limited to store-front shutters, and unused walls there was a grace and profound intensity to the artwork in many cases.
Culinary delights included the sampling of a variety of tapas in the El Born district and a delightful fresh seafood feast of paella and monkfish in the seaport of Barceloneta.
There was so much to do and the metro system worked simply and impeccably for us to get around. We had to forego some things of course. On our next visit we would like to take the cable car up to the monastery of Montserrat and also visit the nearby Salvador Dali museum.
I enjoyed driving in Southern Spain once we picked up our Peugeot in Malaga and drove up to Cordoba. Cordoba is the quintessential city marking my initial emotional draw to Andalucia. It is a (perhaps somewhat romanticized) Utopian embodiment of a time when the major three religions linked themselves back to their common birthplace through Abraham’s biblical recognition and relationship with god. People of all these paths respected and worked with each other in a flourishing society. What remains is centered around the Mezquita, a wondrous mosque that thrived in its heyday as one of the largest in the world when Cordoba was one of the scientific, philosophical and financial centers of the world. The consequences of the competitive nature of the world’s religions is also brazenly evident here, particularly in the placement of the otherwise inspiring Camino Real, a Christian cathedral built into the middle of the Mezquita itself. The back streets of the Juderia exuded history and I was given a new perspective of the flow of time and power when visiting the somewhat derelict sinagoga. The walls of this one-roomed place of prayer remain as sinister evidence of how one of the great religions was persecuted. The Jews who survived were banished from Spain around the time of the Inquisition in an attempt to crush the significance of their contribution. Christianity overcame all else in Spain and in doing so tolerance and understanding were diminished.
A side trip to the Renaissance Cities of Obeda and Baeza took us through miles of rolling hills polka-dotted by olive trees as far as the eye could see. These two towns each maintain a wonderful medieval feel to their old city centers featuring the works of architect Vandelvira.
We set off for the mountain village of Bubion for the last ten days of our trip. Nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains between Pampaneira and Capileira the small town shone as part of this triumvirate of white villages. People were slow moving and friendly. They took their time to try to understand what we were asking for despite our lack of Spanish language skills. We felt quite at home in our one bedroom casita overlooking the mountains with stunning views. We were soon able slow ourselves down to mirror the silence and stillness of our surroundings The drive up and down involved multiple switchbacks and required great caution on the well-paved but narrow roads above deep gorges and sudden drop-offs. It was hardest to remember to not admire the tremendous views that changed around every bend, but to keep one’s attention on the road immediately ahead.
We spent a day in Granada at La Alhambra. The complex contained palaces, fortresses, extensive gardens, summer homes, a citadel, a mosque and churches. The Moorish and Christian influences are ever-present and the sense of grandeur prevails. The Alhambra is a towering edifice above Granada and is itself dominated by the snow-capped peaks that protect it to the East.
Returning to our mountain home we settled in again sampling the delights of small towns in the area including the La Taha communities around Pitres, visiting nearby Mecina Fondales where we discovered a tiny delight for our last night in the mountains at L’Atelier Restaurant a vegetarian gourmet haven run by the charming French chef Jean-Claude Guston. In Bubion the Estacion 4 Restaurant was a fabulous find. The Creperie (which we didn’t buy) also served us a brilliant meal in a fantastic setting.
Bubion offers a plethora of hiking trails and is on the G7 long distance European trail. From there you can walk to either of its sister towns each about 2km away. Another bonus was the spring fed water, which was drinkable, clear and pure directly from the several fountain spouts throughout the immediate area.
We loved our journey. We would definitely return and explore more of the area. If anyone would like some specific tips if traveling to Barcelona or Andalucia, we would be happy to let you know further details about our favorite places.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hamming It Up In Trevelez

On Saturday we drove up to Trevelez, one of the highest year-round towns in Europe. Trevelez is famous for its mountain hams. It is curious that the whole town is dominated by the ham industry but we have not yet seen even one live pig. There are several ham factories and outlets in the town and even tour buses make the winding drive up to find a ham bargain. The hams are displayed as whole legs hanging from rope loops tied around the hoofs.
The hams are good hanging there for at least a couple of years judging by the expiration dates. And yes they are delicious! It’s true I have been partaking in this delicacy. Yes, me the ‘vegetarian’. There are gradations in the quality of hams with prices ranging from 6 to 35 euros per kg. among the ones we saw. There are particular varieties sold elsewhere that are from only rare white pigs and are prohibitively priced accordingly.
Wine, cheeses, dried fruits, nuts, olives and lemons are also locally produced and sold in the mountain stores along with the brightly colored locally loomed rugs and blankets that are invitingly draped outside. The colors are vivid: the blue skies and the white buildings provide a backdrop for the decorative tilework and flower-filled porches. The hills layer both taller and paler off into the distance. Snow-capped peaks of the tallest ranges sit in their frosted majesty overlooking the scope of their landscape domain. Small white villages are nestled into the hillsides which are zigzagged with the minor roads and walking paths that join the communities together. Returning from Tevelez we explored the La Taha villages, a set of seven or eight independent but interconnected towns. Pitres and Portugos are situated on the main road with links down to villages such as Mecina, Fondales, Ferreirola and Atalbeitar, each unique while retaining the unifying architectural structures and motifs and each sheltered by their respective church towers.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Approaching Our Last Week

Approaching Our Last Week
Okay, for those of you who may remain uncertain, yesterday’s blog was indeed an April Fools Trick. We are not moving to Bubion permanently. The Creperie is for sale but it costs about $1/2 million.
We have meanwhile been exploring the area around our village and took a couple of hours to walk from Bubion down to Pampaneira which was fine going downhill but a little tougher returning along the mountain path especially when it started to hail. Actually, it was a very pleasant hike and we got to look around our neighboring town, its artisan district, and the town square.
We have also been up to our Northern neighbor Capileira. Here we discovered a very handy gourmet supermercado where we could buy mountain ham and local artisanal cheeses. We ate dinner at a tiny vegetarian restaurant that had a strong Himalayan theme.

Granada and La Alhambra
Yesterday, we took the day to drive down to Granada. On the way down we picked up two young German women who were hitchhiking to the same destination as we were. It was interesting to hear about the abundant travels and experiences of a 22 year-old. Our day’s quest was to visit the exquisite gardens and palaces of La Alhambra, the last fortress of the Nasrid dynasty to fall before the hyperbolically named Christian Reconquest. La Alhambra was perhaps at its peak under the rule of Mohammed V during whose reign the jewel of the complex, the Palacio Nazaries, was built.
Millions of people travel to visit La Alhambra every year. In addition to the Palacio Nazaries, its main components are the fortress of Alcazaba, the Palace of Carlos V, and the Genaralife.
We followed the signs for the Sierra Nevada National Park on the way home and found ourselves rising rapidly up a mountain to the South of Granada. We had driven for a half hour before we realized that we were heading the wrong way. On the way back down we were afforded one of our most breathtaking views below Monachil.
That alone made our detour worthwhile. We then drove back to the outskirts of Granada, had a wonderful pizza and got directions home from the proprietor.

The Orgiva Thursday Market
Today we drove the long and winding road that took us to Orgiva, the capital of the area. The town is famous for its Thursday morning open market. The town market was just getting started when we arrived so we went for a cappuccino nearby and then spent some time checking out the wares of vendors from near and far. There were quite a few African people selling mostly leatherwork, cheap watches and some ‘designer brand’ clothing. Local farmers brought in a plentiful haul of fresh produce and a variety of spices.
Expats primarily from England sold mostly handmade goods including artwork and jewelry. Dreadlocked Hippies were selling homemade bread and offering free puppies with each loaf. We bought a wheat loaf and, although we were sorely tempted, we passed on the cute pups. The town was hopping for the day and people were crowding the main streets. However, just a block away we were once again able to find the quiet serenity that the mountain villages exude. We came upon a great pastry shop and this time we fell to the olfactory seduction of those particular sugary sirens.
So far, it seems that everything we approach, and everywhere we go, exceeds our expectations. We are truly blessed to be able to explore this magnificent part of such a diverse country.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fulfilling A Dream In Bubion

What a whirlwind! Life is indeed full of surprises. We were saying how wherever we go we feel like we could end up living there. It has happened to us several times before, but the pull has never been so strong as it is here in the High Alpujarras. We were wondering how much property costs up here, knowing that some of the lower towns have become very popular with the British in particular. Further up, around here, there is a drop off in the cost of homes. The casita in which we are staying is owned by a British couple from Brighton. The question is always, “How could one make a living in a place so remote?” I started to think about ‘remoteness’. Madison is a long way from anywhere too. In distance, Bubion is closer to Granada than Madison is to Milwaukee. There are mountains, cities, beaches and antiquity all within distances far nearer than Chicago. People here are quite modern and civilized which can’t honestly always be said for rural Wisconsin. The more I thought, the more it seemed possible. We started to seriously consider pulling up roots (again, in my case!) and moving to this beautiful part of Spain. Cindy is surprisingly just as excited about the place as I am. She loves the clean air, the fresh spring water, the healthy walks, the artisanal crafts, the flair for design, and the caring for the environment. The fact that I am already a European Community citizen makes everything much easier and affords us with free healthcare.
As you know, when you put out a thought out as an intention things often begin to happen. We mentioned how much we loved this area to our ‘keyholder’ Robin, himself from Surrey, England. He told us how he had gone through some of the same questions before moving out here permanently five years ago. He said that it had been a ‘leap of faith’ for him, but things had worked out really well. He now has a mountain bike tour guide business and is starting to use his skills as a landscape architect to revitalize the mountain communities. We talked about how nice it would be to fulfill Cindy’s lifelong dream to open a simple restaurant and art gallery. We would be able to live simply, provide wonderful gourmet delights in small quantities in the restaurant, and display local artwork (including our own) for sale in the gallery. I could work on my art, photography and writing.
As we were walking through the village yesterday we noticed a creperie which looked very inviting and went in to get a cappuccino and sat on the patio overlooking the mountains.
The owners are a Spanish couple, a woman who speaks five languages who runs the restaurant and her husband, an oil painter, whose artwork was displayed throughout the place. The woman told us that the place is for sale as she and her Husband want to move to the coast to be closer to their daughter and new grandchild. They have been trying to sell the place for some time and are eager to move on. There is a small restaurant with two picturesque patios, and a nice sized restaurant kitchen in the back. The couple live upstairs in a quaint two bedroom house with an attached small one bedroom rental property. We were given the tour even though we were certain that the price would be way out of our range. We got on really well with the woman and talked about all kinds of things while she showed us the property which she had remodeled beautifully. She said that it was quite run down when they bought it several years ago and that they had continued to make a good profit on the place over the years. The apartment is always rented by locals but could easily be opened up to foreign visitors at a higher rate.
The woman was quite animated and at one point she looked directly at Cindy and said,
“You know, I am a little psychic. I already see you living happily in this place. I will make it happen for you if you would like.” We asked what she meant as we had both already totally and completely fallen in love with the place. She answered “My Husband and I, we already have plenty of money – that is not a problem.”
I jumped in, a little suspicious, “We honestly could never afford this place.”
She responded that the property is listed for British customers at 100,000 pounds. With the weakening of the pound that is less than $150,000. She said that there is a Welsh man who is interested in the place, “But I don’t like him. You, I like!”
Anyway to cut along story short, we took a day and a half to think about this and decided that we had no choice. It seems like our destiny, almost unavoidable. We talked with an Englishman who lives in nearby Orgiva who brokers properties in the area. He gave us all the necessary details. As a British citizen it is apparently quite easy to buy property in Europe. One last detail made the whole thing magically fall into place. The couple are willing to stay in the property until next Spring which will give us plenty of time to wind up our affairs in the U.S. before moving. The English broker was flabbergasted at the low price of the property stating, “I’ve never seen anything bloody like it; if you don’t buy the place I bloody well will.”
So we went ahead and signed on the dotted line and as long as the building inspection goes well and we can arrange all the financing from the States we will move in next April. The current owners will stay on for a while next year to show us how to run the business. We are overwhelmed with excitement. Some may think we are being impulsive but quite honestly we are nobody’s fools. Except, of course, yours.