Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hamming It Up In Trevelez

On Saturday we drove up to Trevelez, one of the highest year-round towns in Europe. Trevelez is famous for its mountain hams. It is curious that the whole town is dominated by the ham industry but we have not yet seen even one live pig. There are several ham factories and outlets in the town and even tour buses make the winding drive up to find a ham bargain. The hams are displayed as whole legs hanging from rope loops tied around the hoofs.
The hams are good hanging there for at least a couple of years judging by the expiration dates. And yes they are delicious! It’s true I have been partaking in this delicacy. Yes, me the ‘vegetarian’. There are gradations in the quality of hams with prices ranging from 6 to 35 euros per kg. among the ones we saw. There are particular varieties sold elsewhere that are from only rare white pigs and are prohibitively priced accordingly.
Wine, cheeses, dried fruits, nuts, olives and lemons are also locally produced and sold in the mountain stores along with the brightly colored locally loomed rugs and blankets that are invitingly draped outside. The colors are vivid: the blue skies and the white buildings provide a backdrop for the decorative tilework and flower-filled porches. The hills layer both taller and paler off into the distance. Snow-capped peaks of the tallest ranges sit in their frosted majesty overlooking the scope of their landscape domain. Small white villages are nestled into the hillsides which are zigzagged with the minor roads and walking paths that join the communities together. Returning from Tevelez we explored the La Taha villages, a set of seven or eight independent but interconnected towns. Pitres and Portugos are situated on the main road with links down to villages such as Mecina, Fondales, Ferreirola and Atalbeitar, each unique while retaining the unifying architectural structures and motifs and each sheltered by their respective church towers.


Ann said...

Hi guys,

Okay, I'm convinced now that Spain is calling me to visit. Sounds and looks lovely. I know the Catholic drill but the Moors...that would be novel for me.

Continue to have a great time...


P.S. I'm glad you're just enjoying and not moving, too.

Bill Cheadle said...

Heh Guys:
Still great to get your blogs. Passover is coming; no jambon for you. Got snow last night. If you really do move, maybe you can start Meriter 2 East. Keep having fun. When you get back, I take off. Happy OT month.......Bill

Martin Saunders said...

Yes, Spain is calling you. I know the Moors are different but it is a little bit like the flailing cries over the Dartmoor hillside in Wuthering Heights, "Heathcliff, Heathcliff...", only it is spain calling, "Ann, Ann..."

Martin Saunders said...

Passover, Easter,'s like Cordoba all over again! Happy OT month to you too. Do I get to see you for one day before you leave for SF?