Monday, March 30, 2009

At Our Casita, Bubion

I can’t remember the last time that I had ten days to myself with no obligations. What a gift. Is this what retirement is like? Here we are in the most beautiful place imaginable in the high mountains in Spain, lazing, reading, replenishing. There truly is nothing that we have to do. Perhaps make a breakfast or go to the mercadero for supplies. Take a leisurely walk in the sleepy village. Go get a cappuccino. Write a novel, or at least a story. Oh dear, I’m feeling peckish, which restaurant shall we choose tonight? Oh look, storm clouds are starting to form over Capileira. Perhaps it’s time to start a fire. Or take a nap. There are several other villages to explore. We will definitely go down the mountain on Thursday to visit Orgiva. I understand that the open market is quite impressive. And a drive up to Trevillez would be nice; they have some of the best jambon in the world up there I am told. It is also the highest village in Europe by altitude. Let’s not forget Granada. What would a trip to Andalucia be like if we didn’t visit the Alhambra Palace. The Costa del Sol is only an hour and a half away…beautiful beaches, oceanside bodegas, seafood restaurants, and the Mediterranean blue to the coast of Africa. Every moment is precious; time drifts by.

A recent snowfall above Capileira.


MikeyT said...

Oh man those pictures are awesome! Yet it looks like south America

Martin Saunders said...

Nice to hear from you. Hope all is well with you. I have never been to South America but the Spanish (and Portugese) influence must be significant there.